Found Freaky Fusion

Well, it's been a long few days, hence my not updating. Heh. Sorry about that. Just had a lot of stuff on. Some of it was fun - like seeing a friend being Jack Sparrow at Hamley's Summer Adventure in Glasgow - and some of it was not. I'm not going to talk about the not fun stuff because... well... it wasn't fun. So, moving swiftly on.

We went out today - me, the 'rents, and brother boy. I should explain - I have graduated from uni and still live in my family due to a mixture of reasons, mostly relating to health issues, which is the same for my older brother. Not the exact same health issues, but you get my drift. Anyway, this means we do a lot of stuff together. Today we were out, and it took longer than we thought it was going to, and none of us could be bothered cooking. So we decided, since we were out already, we'd go out for dinner. This lead us to a shopping complex/retail park type thing known as 'the Fort'. We got a lovely dinner, then decided to have a nosy in some shops, the last of which was Smyths, the toy shop.

I like shopping in Smyths. Between there and Hamleys I find that there's a more accepting atmosphere towards the adult collector. Plus it helps that the staff seem to really enjoy their work, and don't mind chatting to you to help explain things. (For customer service in general though, it's got to be split between CEX and the Disney Store for best experiences I've had)

So yes, in Smyths tonight, and was wandering through the aisles. Since the new series 3 large Zelfs are available on the Character-Options website, I wanted to look to see if they had any in store so I wouldn't need to worry about what condition they would arrive in thanks to the mail - I've had prior problems. No new Zelfs, though it's only a couple of days into July so there's plenty of time. Now, the Monster High stuff is in the same aisle as the Zelfs, so I went down for a look. At first, I couldn't seen anything new. Then on the bottom shelf.

Freaky. Fusion.

Just the three girls of the four hybrids - no Neighthan as far as I could see - but that was more than a brilliant surprise. Thanks to the kindness of my Mum, I was able to pick up one of the three. That is, after she had carefully examined the face paint on ALL OF THEM. Seriously, she's far more picky than I am. Sooo... yeah, we're gonna have a review of that within the next few days. Look out for it.

Oh, and I received my first comment on this blog via the BeGoths article! Thank you Marzia Ceccarelli!
