Monster High Invisi-Billy

There are TWO new boy Monster High dolls on the market currently. I know, I'm as shocked as you are. Mansters - as the fandom term seems to be - are among the hardest to find when it comes to MH spotting. Ive got to admit, for Invisi-Billy? I didn't have to look very hard. A quick check on the Smyths website let me know he was at my local store, which I promptly called up to ask to have one held by. All in all, one of my easier shopping trips.

So here is Billy in his box, and yes his arm looks like it would be sore from holding the books the way that he is. The box-art for Billy makes him seem... I don't want to say evil but that isn't really the look of someone who - from his bio - is a quiet person interested in doing the special effects for school drama productions. That is more the look of someone who is the school prankster. Which, actually, would have been perfect for someone who turns invisible. And yes, Billy is the son of the Invisible Man, originally written by H.G. Wells, and famously portrayed by Claude Rains. And for anyone curious as to what Billy's full name is: Billy Griffin. Little bit of research people, never hurts.

Again with the slightly sinister looking box art. It really doesn't meld well with the personality they've given to Billy, which is actually a slightly awkward, but likeable teenage boy. Going by the diary - which I've mentioned before I use as a base line if I use it at all - Billy is the type of person who would accidentally say the wrong thing,and who gets a bit star struck, but is an all around decent type of guy. Eh, I dunno, maybe it's meant to be like Loki of traditional Norse Myth - he'd look sinister, but he was totally the type of guy you'd like to party with.

Out of the box and we can see that this is the New Scaremaster line, andBilly is standing in what I assume is one of the many corridors of Monster High, getting books from his locker. I've noticed for this line the backgrounds are all coordinated to match the doll inside the box and... Okay, maybe this is just me, but I think it would have been a little more interesting if the inside sleeves all matched; then they could have been made to stand in for Monster High for anyone who couldn't afford or find (or both) the play set of the school that they brought out.

Up close and... Billy's a handsome bloke, so he is. No, seriously. I don't know what it is, but he really comes across as having a very attractive face sculpt. Nothing to the more expensive BJDs, of course, but for a playline doll, yeah, it's a very attractive male sculpt. His hair is mostly blue, with different shades mixed in, and his eyes are a light grey in tone.

Apparently Billy is shipped with 4 different style of tops. This is the one I do. It's a very simple hoodie like top, and that strap across is NOT a bag, Nope, it's just a strap with lots of pockets. I... don't quite get it myself, but I'm not very up on fashion. Can anyone tell me if this is a thing? He wears a plastic silver watch on one wrist, and a cuff on the other. His belt is studded and white.

According to the back of the box, Billy pretty much 'unlives' in his cut off jeans. These have a pattern of some kind on them, but I can't for the life of me tell you what it's meant to be. I'd assume it was meant to be some sort of bleach pattern, but I'd probably be wrong. There are stitches to represent pockets. Ha! A male with fake pockets. It's some sort of poetic revenge, even if it is only in doll form. ... Sorry, I think I have issues.

And here is where I need to say it: isn't Billy meant to be the son of the Invisible Man? He's pretty visible to me. Spectra's plastic was more translucent than this, and she was simply a ghost. Well, not simply, but I think you get what I mean, This is the closest we get to the Invisi part of his name, and even then it's still pretty visible. Mattel, I know that the more translucent plastic must be costly, but come on, you know how crazy people hunt for the boys when you release them; you will get your money back!

So there's Invisi-Billy. He's pretty handsome, but a bit basic all things considered. That being said... yeah, I'm still glad to have him.


  1. Oh he has an interesting face!

    1. It's a really nice face sculpt; I can see customisers going wild for it.


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