A Surprise Gift! Grand Jester Studios Walt Disney Showcase Collection

So... technically this is a birthday haul post, even though I didn't get this on my birthday. Yeah, trust me, it was a big surprise to me as well when I got it. It's only going to be a short review, because I'm not actually sure what it is that can be said about this, except for just marveling at how lovely it is.

The Grand Jester Studios sign. I like this, even if I did keep misreading it as Grant Jester for a while. Yeah, sometimes I have problems with reading. I'm actually short-sighted, so that's ... actually not much of an excuse, in hindsight, but it explains something. Probably. Anyway, this sign. It's bright and colourful, and playful. A nice wee sign to look at.

I actually think this is the same logo Tonner uses for its Disney dolls; having never actually owned a Tonner doll of any kind, I can't say for sure. I have seen some in person, when I visited Harrods during the summer, but I don't think that's the same as owning. While I understand the use of the simple  black and white, I can't help but feel the Disney logo should be as bright as the Grand Jester logo.

Well, whatever it is, it's certainly well packaged in there. And yes, I know there's a sticker on the side showing which item it is you've bought, but I didn't want to show it here. Trying to keep up some sort of suspense, people. I know I'm not doing a good job at it, but at least play along with me?

More of the white packaging. Yes, I know the name of this stuff but I cannot spell it. I don't really want to make many woeful attempts, so it's just white packaging at the moment. It's cube shaped and fairly sturdy, though little bits of it did keep flaking away. That's always the way with this stuff, though, so there's not much to worry about there. I'm keeping this bit in the outer box anyway.

Can you make her out through the plastic? You should be able to, she's very distinctive! Yeah, my friends know who one of my all time favourite Disney characters is. Even if we did spend most of the particular day this was given to me singing songs from The Lion King. In our defense, everyone else was singing Let it Go - convention madness, you understand - so we thought it only fair to hit back with Hakuna Matata. Which we rocked.

I'm not sure how clear this is, but every one of the Grand Jester busts has a number on it's base. Laying it down - CAREFULLY - I was able to see mine. Apparently this is number 505 out of 3,000. I have no idea about edition sizes for this studio, so I can't tell you if that's good or not. I'm going to go out and assume, well, it's Disney, so... yeah, that's probably pretty good.

Ahhh, isn't she just amazing? Seriously, the sculpting on this is just fantastic, and the paint quality is superb. I cannot see a single paint flaw. Not that I go looking for them, but it does tend to be something you notice, whether you go looking for them or not. Her bow actually has real string on it, for added effect, and the pose is just so very Merida. They even made the base look like the circle of standing stones in the movie! I just, ah, I just really love this!

And  here is her home for now. It will probably change, but at the moment this is a position which I can see from pretty much everywhere in my room - and my room isn't all that large in the first place. And yes, that's my unboxed first edition Merida beside her. I do have a boxed one, but that's mainly because, as I've said, one of my all time favourite Disney characters. (Mary Poppins is another).

So yes, I really love this gift, and I cannot thank the friend who gave her to me enough. Though I have no clue what to get them for their birthday now...


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