Guardians of the Galaxy: A Movie Review

First of all, let me apologise for the lack of updates over the past couple of days. Yes, I do still plan to write up my thoughts on Into the Dalek, but those are mostly related to how I see the series unfolding this season, and will need to wait until after this week's episode. But! What I did see this week was the newest part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Guardians of the Galaxy.

A caveat: when going into this film, it has been the only part of the MCU in which I have been entirely uninformed. Try as I might, the Guardians comic was never really something that I got into, and I really don't know why. I mean, admittedly I was always more of a DC girl, but well, new 52.

That being said, considering I knew nothing, I absolutely loved this film. Again, no idea how accurate it is to the comics. Okay, well, that's a lie, I know one aspect of the film is entirely unaccurate, or at least will be by the time that it comes to fruition in a later installement of the Guardians franchise. But that's then, not now. Now is the current film, in which the so named Guardians come together to protect a planet - and by extension the galaxy - from a Kree extremist named Ronan who seeks to destroy it all by means of a ... well, that's a bit of a spoiler I suppose. Oh, the Kree are a warrior race from the Marvel universe. Generally at war with the Skrulls - who are shape-changing lizards, sort of. Yeah, I'm not the best at explaining this stuff.

So, our main character so to speak is Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt who is probably better known as Andy from Parks and Recs. I have not seen that show. I know, I'm woeful. Anyway, Pratt does a brilliant job with this character who is equal shades unlikable and then likable. Rule of thumb for all the Guardians with the expection (probably) of Groot: you will think they are jerks at some point or another. It's sort of a whole thing about them. They aren't the people you'd expect to be out there saving the galaxy but, hey, they live in it too and they're not really fond of the whole getting rid of it idea.

Gamora was absolutely one of my favourites in this movie. I was just so happy when - at the point I was sighed 'oh look, the token romance' - she subverted what I thought was going to happen. I cheered. Others applauded. We were a happy audience. Zoe Saldana brings a lot to the role, and I think this may have been better written than Uhura. Yeah, me and reboot Trek stand in an odd position with regards to each other, it's best not to address. WWE Superstar Batistia portrayed Drax the Destroyer and much kudos to the guy, he totally did a lot better than what I had initially expected on hearing of his casting. No fault to him, it's just as a general rule, wrestlers don't seem to do too well when made to act. I don't actually know why. Also: Vin Diesel is a complete professional, and Bradley Cooper makes an adorable badass racoon.

Yeah, I'm trying to squee about this movie, without actually giving anything away and I find it surprisingly hard to do. It's just one of those ones that you need to see to get, I think. Just... go and see it. The sequel is due out 2017, according to Marvel, so go give them the money to encourage them to make it just as good if not better.

Now, I await Age of Ultron.
