Megamind Movie Review

I've been re-watching stuff lately. No real reason for doing it other than I felt like watching movies I enjoyed in-between catching up on some anime. (Yeah, I fully admit to being a total nerd). One such movie I watched lately? Megamind.

This movie seems to be one of those that Dreamworks likes to forget it's made. Which is a real shame, as it's a little gem of a movie. One of those that I actually find fun to re-watch because the animators always throw in little bonuses - mostly in the very expressive faces of all the characters.

The plot of this movie boils down to: what if Lex Luthor managed to kill Superman. Answer: A lot of boredom on Luthor's part. Okay, so that's over simplifying things a lot, but it works. Megamind is our villain protagonist, who one day - after about 20 years of trying - he manages to kill his nemesis Metro Man. And the movie follows what happens next.

Now, the film came out in 2010, so technically I could get away with spoiling things here, but I don't much see the point of spoiling a movie that I want people to go and see. It's a delightful send up and love letter to the various Ages of the comic industry. Plus it pulls off the whole 'Nice Guy' phenomenon of real life in a true to life terrifying way... albeit it made fantastic due to the nature of the story.

Most importantly, it's a story in which you really care about the characters, and you can't help but feel for them when they suffer and cheer for their victories. Megamind is a movie that's really worth checking out.

Because fans of the movie are totally handsome.
