Game of Thrones DireWolf Plush

Like many people, I am a big fan of the HBO television series, Game of Thrones. I am also a fan of the book series they happen to be (ever more loosely) adapted from, A Song of Ice and Fire. I had begun to read the books before the show started, but didn't manage to finish them until after the first series had finished airing. And I'll be honest here, so much happens in those books that I do have a hard time of it keeping the time-line of events straight in my own head, the show just helps to mess things up even more.

I do feel a great deal of sympathy for the poor Starks however, and Arya happens to be one of my all time favourite characters (of which there is a rather long list). So, I thought I'd give a short little review - seriously, it's only three pictures long - on the direwolf pups that HBO released in their merchandising for the series.

And here is my little cub, all new in their packaging. There is a simple reason behind this. When I went into the store that sells them, having finally made my mind up about buying one, they only had Summer and Shaggydog on the shelf. I was not particularly wanting either of those two to be the first of my direwovles (I don't know if I plan on getting another, but when a collector it's always best to think in the plural.) Feeling like it would be pointless, I asked one of the nice staff members if they had the one in particular I was looking for.

They didn't know off-hand, and I felt that was okay, so turned to leave. But, they then said, they could easily check in the back for me, particularly as the store was pretty empty at that point. I waited patiently, looking at the dragon plush and wondering if it would work in assistance for a Sybil Ramkin-Vimes cosplay, when the staff member came back out, holding up the cub that I was looking for. I thanked them - serious moment here, always be polite to people who work in retail as there as rude people out there who don't seem to consider manners in their interactions - and made my way quickly to the cash desk.

So, which of the six cubs was it that I picked up?

Well, since I already told you that Arya Stark was one of my favourite characters, it should come as no surprise that Nymeria was the cub in particular that I wanted. The hang-tag gives a very trundicated summary of how the direwolves came to live with the Starks - they found and adopted them, basically - and which Stark each belonged to. The front of the hang-tag has a picture of the Iron Throne, and simply describes the item as direwolf cub. As far as I can tell, the only ones who do not get this treatment are Summer, Grey Wind, and Ghost. (Ghost also seems to be available in a larger form.)

Factory Entertainment seems to be the company in charge of the distribution of this particular line of Game of Thrones related merchandise - there are other lines, and one will be looked at soon enough. This isn't really a company I've heard much about, and looking at their webpage shows that they actually hold licenses from many properties I'd be interested in - including The Princess Bride and Monty Python. You can also buy directly from the site, though I'm not sure if it works out less or more expensive than the HBO official store sites, or your local comic book store.

The first thing I really noticed about Nymeria is that, in addition to being soft and cuddly - she is actually a bit on the poseable side due to the stuffing in her legs. Now, I haven't done much with this for worry of ripping stitching, but I have been able to have her both in a sitting position and a standing position. Not much, I know, but considering this is a plush line that I would have never expected I am quite pleased with even limited mobility.

Um.... well, there's not much else I can say expect she's adorable, and I'm very glad to have her. There are (many) action figure reviews to come, since I still have that little stock-pile to delve into, and with any luck, I may have a doll or two to look at as well in the upcoming weeks.

How long till season 5, by the way?
