The FriDoll Five: Dolls on Display

Part Two of the FriDoll Five! Let's get into the questions.

1. What type or brand of dolls do you own? (You can include dolls that you used to collect or own, but have parted ways with.)
I own mostly playline dolls, though I do have some porcelain dolls as well.

2. Do you prefer to debox your dolls, or keep them MISB, or a combination thereof? Why?
Debox. I don't really have the room to keep things in boxes, even if I find the boxes really nice and part of the aesthetic of the thing overall. And, well, Toy Story really influenced me as a child: I end up feeling very sorry for the dolls who are stuck in boxes all the time (and yes, I do have some designer dolls still in box so this is a quandary for me)

3. Do you like to display your dolls, or keep them in storage? Why?
It's a mix of both really, and entirely dependent on space and what sort of mood I'm in. I do try to rotate through them all, the only ones which stay on display are the ones that come in display boxes. At the moment I'm writing this, I don't really have many dolls on display because I'm in the middle of re-sorting shelves. Possibly when I'm done, some will be displayed.

4. For the Displayers: how do you like to display your dolls, and where? (In display boxes, on shelves, in a room box, in a doll house, around the desk, etc.) For the Storage folks: how do you store your dolls, and where?
Well, as I said, the ones on display constantly at the ones in display boxes. Generally speaking though, they end up sitting on a bookshelf, usually alongside some type of approprite book if it's possible. I did have a desk I displayed many on, but that has since left me. Storage wise, I have underbed storage so they are all safely wrapped up and put away there.

5. Without looking, can you list where each of your dolls are at this very moment?
17" Cinderella, 17" Merida, Hook and Pan set, Designer Evil Queen and Designer Queen of Hearts are on top of one set of shelves. Animators Tink, Merida, Tiana, Alice and Lilo are on top of another. Descendants are in a bag to be put into their storage space. Monster High and Ever After High are in their storage space. 
