Review: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 1: BFF

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 1: BFF Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 1: BFF by Amy Reeder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is one of those titles that just sparks an interest on hearing the name alone. It makes me think of a sci-fi punk band, actually. Someone tell me if there is a band named Devil Dinosaur, because they're probably amazing. This is one of the rarer all ages books from Marvel Comics and the reason I picked it up now is (apart from getting an amazing deal) well, the state of the Marvel Comic verse at the moment makes me long for something that is idealistic, hopeful, and not toxic to the touch

Moon Girl fits that so well.

The titular 'Moon Girl' is Lunella Lafayette, an Inhuman pre-teen genius. 'Moon Girl' is actually a named used by her classmates as an attempt to bully her as her intelligence far outclasses them all, and well, kids can be cruel. In volume 1, Luna is attempting to find a way to stop the onset of her Inhuman gene because there's no way she can tell what will happen when it actives. While this is happening Devil Dinosaur is sort of flung into her timestream and crosses her path. DD is... He sort of ends up as a bit of a huge puppy when it comes to Luna, and seems to follow her instruction well. Respect between the two does develop very quickly, and I'm looking forward to getting the second volume and seeing how they work as properly heroes.

Lunella has joined my list of heroes I adore and will likely do so for a long time. She's the smartest character in the Marvel Comic Verse, and she hasn't even hit puberty yet. Oh, Moon Girl, you are going to bring us such brilliant things. I can't wait to see it.

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